Monday, November 9, 2009

it’s chocolate, it’s peppermint. . . it’s delicious!

A friend asked me how I keep from eating the Halloween candy that is stashed away for decorating our gingerbread house.  Well, first, I must confess that before I stash it away, I sort through it and pull out my favorites.  This year, I was pretty disappointed—only ONE Special Dark and NO York Peppermint Patties or tiny boxes of Junior Mints?  What a waste!


Then, I put all the candy in a giant Ziploc bag and put it in a container up on a very high shelf in one of the kitchen cabinets.  It’s just annoying enough to ever get down that I don’t go digging into it.  And if I ever get tempted, I just think how sad my girls would be if we got it down in a few weeks to work on our gingerbread house and the bag was half empty!  If I had one of those FoodSaver vacuum sealer thingies, that would be an even BETTER way to keep it safe!

If you don’t like the gingerbread house idea, here’s another way to keep all that candy out of your kids’ tummies.  I read about it today and I think it’s genius!


Molly said...

Hey! Wait a minute! That reminds me- I had lots of Junior Mints left after seeing a movie Saturday night and I haven't seen the box since I set it on the table when we got home. Julia loves anything minty, maybe I had better ask her a few questions...

Tracy said...

Oh yes...I'm a junior mint lover too. And the peppermint patties must be York brand, those others aren't even worth eating. I remember one year when I was young, my dad got me the sweetest present--he knew my favorite treats were York Peppermint Patties and he gave me a whole box of like 60 of them. That box lasted forEVER and made me feel loved everytime I enjoyed one. :)

Erin said...

we had mostly crappy candy too! no YPP's, junior mints, reeses. sure made it easy to not eat it all. jolly ranchers and blow pops do not tempt me at all!

Cecily said...

We had tons of Jr Mints! And every other kind of chocolate out there. After a day of enjoying we packed up the rest and dropped it off at a local dentists' office for the troops overseas. My 13 lbs of candy counted towards my school's tally - the school bringing in the most candy earns $2000. Can't wait to find out if we won!

The Dahle Family said...

I'm a little confused. Why would you take your kids trick-or-treating if you didn't want the candy? I read that blog you linked to; do people seriously throw candy away? What the waste?! Or do they just hoard it, like you, for a better use? Although, a gingerbread house sits out and gets stale and then thrown away; do you let your kids nibble on it after Christmas?

Is it really so bad to eat a lot of candy for a week or two (or a day or two, which is how long ti took me to finish off my Halloween candy as a kid, and I never got a "sick tummy" from eating too much candy, trust me)? Since my kids are still pretty young, I didn't let them have total control over their stash; I just kept their on top of the fridge and they got to choose a piece or two after every meal until it was gone, which happened to take exactly a week. Hmm, I always thought Halloween was about the candy.

The Dahle Family said...

Oh, and lest I sound like a complete candy addict, Aaron and I are doing a Pre-Thanksgiving challenge--no sugar at all for two weeks prior to the holidays. We had our post-Halloween candy feast, and now we're doing a famine. I guess I just felt like my will power needed to be tested after my eat-it-when-you-feel-like-it attitude regarding the Halloween stash.