Wednesday, April 7, 2010

tour de D.C.

The day after Berkeley’s surgery, we decided to take advantage of the city we were in and take the girls to see some monuments downtown.  Little Berkeley was still quite groggy and wasn’t up to all the walking we were doing, so she spent most of her time in the stroller, pushed by her second mother for the week, Andrea.  Thanks, An!


Kendall was really excited to see all the monuments.  Here she is with FDR and his dog.


She was most excited about the Lincoln Memorial and ran up the steps!

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Seeing the World War II Memorial was a first for me since it wasn’t here the last time I toured the city.  The water at this memorial was a BIG hit and thankfully you were allowed to put your feet in, just not wade in it, like Emery tried to do.


It was a HOT day, so the water was enticing enough to even get Berkeley out of the stroller for a bit!


Next stop was the Washington Monument that is just beyond the WWII.



And we had a perfect view between the trees to get a peek of the White House.  (You can tell this was just one day post-surgery—I called this her Cindy Lou Who phase!)


The only bummer was that we just BARELY missed the peak of the cherry blossoms.  They were well on their way out, so the colors were very faded and many of the blossoms had already fallen.


The final monument on our whirlwind tour was the Jefferson Memorial.

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It was a quick tour, but just enough for the kids to get a feel of some history without being too bored. I’m so glad we were able to squeeze it in with all that was going on this week!

1 comment:

Karey said...

Oh, you're in trouble! You totally should have called while you were in town! Next time, OK?