Tuesday, November 9, 2010

what a difference a day makes

Yesterday, I was enjoying the 75 degree afternoon with loads of sunshine. 

Today, it is in the low 40’s and I was outside raking leaves while it started pouring and then HAILING like crazy on me!  (Needless to say, there is currently a half-raked yard outside.)  Tonight they say it might SNOW!

Yesterday, Kendall had a full smile.


Today, her smile looks like THIS!  (Her very first lost tooth!)


Yesterday, I was frustrated that after months of searching, I still couldn’t find the right couch for our basement TV area.

Today, I have the PERFECT couch on order and it will be delivered a week from Thursday!



Kathy@DandelionsandDustBunnies said...

Yep we got the snow here. So it must be on its way. We are getting down into the 20's tonight. Going to be pretty chilly. Wow - can't believe that's her first tooth. We're still waiting for a first in this household too. Love the couch.

Erin said...

Liam lost that exact same tooth today too (though it wasn't his first, he has lost three on the bottom)! The one next to it is barely hanging on so I am certain I will be singing that lovely song "All I want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" a lot in the next few weeks.

Congrats on the couch. It looks great!!

Megs said...

Love the sofa. i need you to come here and decorate my house. I have done nothign because I can't make a choice. So excited for Kendall's tooth. That is huge news.

jan said...

Kendall looks so cute! Remember how we worried when she was 18months with no teeth! Love the sofa.