Saturday, April 20, 2013

Kendall turns TEN

Kendall’s birthday celebration was strung out over the course of a few days this year.  Her birthday was on a Thursday, and Patrick had a work dinner that night, so us girls were joined by Grandma & Grandpa and Aunt Melayna and we went to the high school musical production of Brigadoon.  Everyone had a great time and Kendall loved being able to spend her birthday evening with some of her favorite people (minus her dad)!

The next night, Patrick met us at the Rockies game!  It was a surreal night because on the drive up there, I had the radio tuned to FoxNews as they were staking out the boat to capture the marathon bomber.  We all wore our Red Sox shirts and hats that night in solidarity of Boston.

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I guess once you are TEN, you are too cool to pose with mascots.  Sorry, Dinger!

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Then finally, on Saturday after the early morning soccer games, she got to open her presents!  She especially loved the tennis skirts!  Can’t wait for summer tennis again this year!


Kendall kept saying, “I can’t believe I’m in the double digits now!”  I can’t either!  I’ve been a mom for TEN YEARS??  What?

I sure do love this girl.  I have always said that each passing year gets more and more fun with my girls and I still stand by that statement.  I love watching Kendall mature and become more beautiful, smart, thoughtful, and hilarious!


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