Wednesday, June 25, 2008

what do you think?

Everyone keeps telling me that it is OH SO HARD to leave comments on my Spaces blog.  I've had this Blogger one for a long time, but never used it because my old one was easier.  Should I move it over to Blogger full time?  Will you still like me?  Will you comment more?  Will you come help me in three weeks when I am floundering with three kids on my hands?


Erin said...

i didn't think it was too hard to comment once you signed up.
i would be happy to help when you are floundering with three kids. that is, if you return the favor when I am the one floundering a few months later! :)

Tamara said...

Welcome to the dark side! :) I love you regardless of what blog site you are on, but I think that you are right about people leaving comments on spaces. I got that all the time too. Anyway, I am sad about being out of your everday sphere as well. I am still hoping that you guys will find yourselves back in Austin someday...

It's Been a Day! said...

blogger is the best. Totally switch over. I'm not sure how i could possibly comment more than i already do(!), but i will still continue to comment. Let me know if you decide to switch so I can update my list!

merathon said...

paige-- i definitely was NOT including you in the "non-commenting" group. you are hands down my best commenter! it's just that i get SO many page views every day and so FEW comments that i know there's lots of people who don't comment cuz they have to sign up for a login. hopefully if i switch, that will help!

Andrea said...

i think i figured out how to comment recently on the other, i am a faithful reader regardless :)

Rachel said...

Blogger is the best! By the way - I don't know your email... I made my blog private recently and I need to invite you!

Jennie said...

I'd never even tried to comment, so I didn't even know it was difficult. I love seeing and hearing about the fun things you guys are doing.

merathon said...

rachel-- my email is my screenname at

Paul said...

Go with Blogger! I have always loved reading your entries, but it has been kind of a pain to comment. Plus, I have to say, this one is really cute!

emilyaaa said...

i know you sent me an "invite" to be able to sign into your blog...but i'm LAZY and haven't done it, and here i am commenting on this, there's my answer :)

i DO love reading your blog-regardless of the comments i've never left!!

mkt said...

I've commented on both, and must say I do think Blogger is easier for comments. Spaces isn't hard, it's just confusing so sometimes isn't worth it for a small comment. Let us know if you switch over!

Lauren said...

I keep checking your blog to see if you have had your baby yet! I like blogspot because you can turn your blog into a cool book on

Megs said...

Remember 12 comments. I also remember you saying Paige was your best commenter hands down. I find that to be a very interesting piece of information :) Matt and I both agree that we like blogger better. He really likes your header. How did you do that by the way. I am trying to do something for mine.

Paul said...

move it!!!!


diddy said...

i like to move it move it

merathon said...

megan-- you're a goood commenter too! don't worry! ALL of you top MY family in that department cuz they NEVER comment!

Kerry and Dave said...

Yes, this is MUCH better! So, this is my vote!

jessie said...

I have to admit I'm a big fan of blogger. :) And your header is way cute! But I will try to be a better commenter regardless. ;)

Mirien said...

Yes, I'd comment more! I do check but never leave responses.

Shauna said...

So I'm way behind in the commenting department, but I am a loyal reader. My vote (again, late) is to switch, which you've done, but voting away. I always read blogs through google reader which is one reason I rarely comment. I'm trying to be better. Love the updates, can't wait to hear if you're having another girl or a boy!

merathon said...

shauna-- why don't YOU have a blog?