Thursday, February 5, 2009

give us an inch. . .

(of snow, that is). . . and we’ll take another snow day!

Yesterday morning I woke up to Patrick saying, “School’s cancelled.”  I thought he was joking because I’d heard there might be some small flurries overnight, but they weren’t predicting that anything would stick.  So I looked out the window and what did I see?  Snow was covering all the grass and trees!  (Sing that to the tune of “Popcorn Popping”!)

After Patrick went to work, of course K & B wanted to go outside and play in the snow.  It was FRIGID out there, so five minutes later, they came back in and asked for hot chocolate.  It took us longer than that to get them ready to go out, so I sent them back out and told them I’d come out and get them when it had been thirty minutes!  Hey, they were completely bundled up in multiple layers from head to toe—I figured thirty minutes was reasonable!  (Of course you weren’t going to catch me out there!)

Don’t worry—I  made good on my promise and gave them a steamy cup of cocoa with lots of marshmallows.  Don’t you just love these mugs?  I got them about ten years ago when I went home to Colorado one weekend while Patrick and I were dating.  I was looking for a mug with his name on it, but they didn’t have it, so I bought him TWO!


On a cold and snowy day, I’m pretty sure it’s a rule that you have to make soup for dinner.  I made this and it was a hit with everyone but Emery.  I thought it would be perfect for her since it was a pureed soup.  Well, she loved the first few bites and then started freaking out on me.  I had only had a couple bites myself, so I didn’t realize what was going on, but when I kept eating, I figured out the problem.  After a few bites, there was a decent kick to it—not enough to bother the rest of us, but I think it was a bit of a shock to a six month old’s little taste buds!  OOPS!


MamiJo said...

So interesting! Max LOVES that soup! In fact, he likes spicy things! I decided to just go ahead and not spare him as I have w/ the others, in hopes that he would just learn to like spicy things (like Indian babies), but I'm not entirely sure that this is why. I am totally at a loss for how to train babies w/ food. This is worth a whole post, probably. Felicity was my only child who hates oatmeal, and I was convinced it was because I started her on it too late. But Max hates oatmeal.

Erin said...

the mugs are funny. i am glad that you explained it though because I was thinking "who is pat and who is Rick?" duh!

Mirien said...

That soup recipe looks delicious--I'm definitely trying it. But the cold and snowy day/soup connection? Not when you live in Utah. My kids would get tired of soup. They did last month when I was trying out several soup recipes because I taught a soup cooking class last week. I made a blog just to post recipes for the class. Check it out--there are some really good ones. A few have meat in them (to please the crowd) but any of them can be made vegetarian.

Andrea said...

i also could not figure out who "rick" was - thanks for the explanation, very funny!

It's Been a Day! said...

great mugs. i'm a big fan of hot chocolate. i usually don't even have to brave the cold for it!! look at you with all of your snow days. last week when we had the ice storm, tyson's school was delayed 2 hours. why couldn't it have been on a non school day?

Tracy said...

i. love. those. mugs. No wonder Patrick fell in love.

Kristina said...

The mugs are hilarious. And the little girls sipping on them are adorable. Hope it warms up for you guys soon!

Corrine said...

love the mugs, funny laughing about the poor baby and the bite in the food!

(ps you won the pay it forward, email me your address!)