Sunday, March 1, 2009

in like a lion. . .

Remember how we’ve already had two snow days this year?  And how there was barely any snow on the ground?  And how almost all of it had melted by midday?  Imagine the panic right now since 4-6 inches of snow is predicted to fall tonight!  It has already started falling. . . I wonder what we’ll be doing tomorrow for our THIRD snow day of the year?  Are all my Utah readers jealous right now? 

Of course there are NO snow days built into the school calendar, so the students had to go to school on Presidents’ Day, they’re losing one of the teacher workdays at the end of this month, and assuming we have no school tomorrow, one of the days from Spring Break will be used as a make-up day as well!  Snow days aren’t all they’re cracked up to be when you start cutting into Spring Break, now are they?


P.S.  The last time snow fell in Charlotte during the month of March was in 1999!


Kerry and Dave said...

I actually just saw a newsman doing his forcast from your city! And it was snowing HARD!

Molly said...

We actually have 5 snow days built in here in WI, and we've used them all! Crazy! I was just thinking about snow in NC because both of my boys were born in February and it snowed hard both times. With Devon we got about a foot of snow- in Charlotte! That was February 19th. When it melted the flowers were blooming. Good luck!

Unknown said...

crazy huh? It is pretty. We had a few trees here in my apartments blossom on Sat and well, now they are freezing. Interesting last days.
1999- ahh the year I graduated HS. thank goodness. whew.
ps. I replyed back to your questions in the comment section of the post.
Good to see ya today. I loved your sweater blouse. Cute!

Dana said...

We don't have snow days in Houston. However, when it barely sleets we have to close down the city. This year we have Hurricane Ike days. The kids are going to school some Saturdays and they cancelled all school holidays except spring break and MLK day. Interesting how they are going on a Saturday and got MLK day off, huh?

ty and megs said...

bummer dude! i remember parying for snow days, usually on big test days...

we got a million inches last night/this morning too. is it spring yet!?

Unknown said...

That is lame. I remember getting lots of snow days some years in Virginia, but I think we had 3 or so freebies. I remember one year we had to go for two weeks after the end of the school year. And that was after they cut out a bunch of holidays too.

Mirien said...

So, how much snow did you get? And did they cancel school? We have snow days built in, but we never use them, so shouldn't we get out a couple of days early??

Corrine said...

love the cartoon.
we got buckets of snow and no snow days since i have been here...bummer...wait no i like the kids going to school...

did you get your package?

McInnes Family said...

Crazy! I can't believe you guys are getting so much snow. And we have had two 60+ degrees here in Utah. A little backwards. I love your Friday Food post. I will definitely be tuning in for that. I made both my boys food with the grinder. I loved it. I also made bulk fruits/veggies every once in a while and froze them in icecube trays for days when I was in a rush. I look forward to some good ideas for our next one.