Thursday, November 26, 2009

great run + great food = a happy Thanksgiving!

We had a Thanksgiving miracle today.  Patrick and I thought we were going have to push the double AND single jogger through the 5 miles of hills that is the Charlotte Turkey Trot.  I was seriously concerned about my knees since they have been causing me a lot of pain ever since Emery was born.  I knew running 5 miles would be challenging enough, but if I had to push a jogger as well. . . well, I wasn’t really sure what would happen, but I was pretty sure it wouldn’t be good.  Our fabulous friend Jenny graciously offered to wake up early and come to the race with us so she could watch all three of our girls while Patrick and I ran!  Jenny—you’re my hero.  How am I going to make this up to you?

It was foggy and chilly and my knees hurt, but I was really enjoying being able to run with Patrick.  I can’t even remember the last time that we were able to run together without pushing one or all of the kids in the strollers.  Running together takes me all the way back to the early days of our relationship since we were running partners before we ever became a couple!  I have such great memories of those days. . . AAAAAAAH, young love. . .

We finished in under 42 minutes—not a great time, but considering my issues, I was pretty happy with that!

And this is what happens when someone takes a picture of you in the FOG!


We had a great dinner with friends to finish off the day--  more on that for Friday Food tomorrow!

1 comment:

Marliese said...

Wow, what studs you are...hope your knees don't regret it later! Kendall's hair looks so chic and retro in this a flapper from the 20s or something. Very cute.