For the last two years we’ve been a family of five, but you sure wouldn’t know it by looking at the pictures on our walls. We had pictures of Kendall and Berkeley, and of the two of them with Patrick and me, but there were absolutely NO pictures of Emery displayed anywhere in the house. I had thousands of pictures of her downloaded on the computer or on my blog, but I had never taken the time to order any of those pictures and just put them up! I know it’s not that hard to do, but every time I sat down to do it, I would either get distracted by something that needed to get done, or would start uploading tons of pictures to order and then get interrupted before I finished. It was pathetic. According to our picture frames, we had two children.
Well, over the Labor Day weekend, we had our first houseguests in our Colorado house. Our friends Emily and Tim (and their cute little girl) came out to Denver for a wedding and chose to stay with US! While they were here, Emily said she’d like to do a photo shoot of our family as a housewarming gift for us. I had been planning on having some family pictures professionally done this past spring, but with all that was on our plate with getting our house ready to sell, planning a move, and looking for a house, it just didn’t happen. Emily’s not a professional photographer, but it’s a hobby of hers and I was excited to finally get some pictures of our entire family!
Despite the fact that I was having a HORRIBLE hair day (Colorado is not very kind to my curls), we managed to come up with some great pictures. . . I would hope so since she took over 600 of them! Here are a few from the day. . .
And you will be happy to know that just two days after the pictures were taken, I ordered a bunch and we now have pictures of the FIVE of us proudly displayed in our home! Here’s proof:
Thanks again, Emily! Emery’s getting old enough now that she might have started wondering why she was missing from EVERY single picture—good thing we fixed that!
They are really great pictures!!
congrats on finally admitting that you have three kids! :)
the pictures look great- Emily did a great job. And your hair looks lovely!
You guys all look great! Even your hair. I know about bad hair days, and yours is pretty cute. Family photos like that are priceless.
I love that picture that you framed. I also love that one of them hugging. And I never would have noticed your hair if you hadn't mentioned it. I think you all look great!
What a beautiful, beautiful family!
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