Friday, July 20, 2012

Emery is FOUR

Emery is pretty easy to please.  When we asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday, she really didn’t have any requests.  So we went swimming at our pool because it is something she LOVES (and it is easy!). . .


. . . and then had dinner with all of our local family and a few families from church—because that’s who she wanted to come.  She only asked for a pink angel food cake with chocolate chips on top.  See?  Easy to please.



And when I asked what presents she wanted, she said, “Gum!  And a hat with my name on it.”

So, I told all the guests to just bring gum for birthday gifts (she doesn’t need anything anyway) and 24 packs of gum later. . . she was one happy birthday girl!





We ended the celebrating with some karaoke.  She really wanted to sing “Eye of the Tiger.”



And don’t worry, she got the hat with her name on it too (along with a few other fun gifts we came up with).  Thanks, Grandma Jan!

My little girl is growing up.  She is so much fun and getting to be very independent.  Everyone who knows her is completely enamored by her.  She wants to be just like her older sisters and THINKS she is just as old as they are, which is why she had a very atypical party for a four year old.  There were no party games and only one child there who was close to her age because most of the time she is hanging out with all the older kids and adults!  Kendall keeps telling me that she doesn’t want Emery to grow up because she is so cute the way she is right now.  She’s got a point, but life with Emery has only gotten better and better so I can’t wait to see what fun lies ahead!

DSC_0708Emery with some cookies her primary teacher surprised her with.

1 comment:

Dana said...

I can't believe she is 4 already! I keep meaning to answer all the questions you put on my blog and don't have your email so here it goes...Hudson is 3, Costa Rica was amazing and you have to go (highly recommend traveling to different cities and the zip line), yes it is the Roku that we have. Happy Birthday (late) Emery!!