Tuesday, July 20, 2010

my tiny TWO

I remember when Kendall turned two thinking how OLD she was!  Now that my third child turned two today, I realize that two years old is actually not THAT old!  She still needs me to change her diaper (although Berkeley changed her today without telling me about it until later), to get her out of her crib in the morning, and to hold her hand going down the stairs.  She’s still very dependent on me but I’m completely okay with that.  I know there will come a day when I wish she was MORE dependent on me, so I’ll soak it up while I can!

It was a hard decision for me to take the plunge and try for a third baby.  I knew there was one more that was supposed to be in our family, but I still struggled with it for a while.  What a blessing she has been—I cannot imagine not being able to hang out with this little cutie every day!


This is what my girls do on a hot North Carolina afternoon—cuddle up with blankets, pillows, and tons of dolls and animals all over the floor!


Happy birthday, Emery!  You make me laugh and melt my heart every single day.  I still can’t understand a lot of what you say (definitely our latest talker!) but you try really hard and I know that YOU understand everything that we say to YOU!  I love watching you grow up and seeing that cute and feisty little personality come out more and more.  You sure love your big sisters and they are just as excited to have you around as they were the day you were born.  I’ve always wondered when the newness of having a little baby sister around would wear off and now it’s been two full years without a sign of it fading.  Watching my girls interact happily together is one of my most favorite things.

I’ve never been the mom who laments her children growing up or wishes that they could stay little forever.  I think it gets better and better as my children get older and sometimes I can hardly wait to see what my little Emery will become!






molly kay said...

Happy birthday emery! making the leap from 2 to 3 kids is hard- we waited 8 years to do it! i hope it turns out as well for me as it has for you!

Jennifer P said...

Your girls are adorable - and your bathroom is amazing. Nice work!