Tuesday, December 28, 2010

it’s a jolly holiday

We are in New York City right now (the trip out here involves a crazy story that I’ll share later) and today, our family (minus Emery who stayed with Grandma Jan to have her nap) went to see Mary Poppins on Broadway.


It was fabulous and we all had a great time—Patrick even said it was his favorite Broadway show he’s seen so far (and we’ve seen quite a few)!



P.S. If you saw the weather reports about the snow in the East and wondered how bad it really was. . . just let me say that there is a CRAZY amount of snow here!  Thank goodness for my new Christmas boots!


Megs said...

So glad you made it. Sounds like a fun time. We got snow today :)

jan said...

Thanks for the "wake-up photo." I worked extra hard in spin class today just thinking about that glorious double chin! It was wonderful having you here, but next time let's plan your trip when you can come without the winter gear. love to all

Marliese said...

And thank goodness for your super-winter-coat...that thing look intense! But very cute and warm.